Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I have been at my job for the past 5 years, and I have come to a crossroad.  And I need to make some difficult decisions. 

For the past several years I have been working as an Administrative Assistant at a hospital.  To be brutally honest, I am a single/Head of Household, and I don't make enough money. I try to live frugally.  At first, not so much by choice, but by necessity.

For quite some time, I have felt "stuck" in my job.  It's not that challenging anymore.  It is rewarding in many ways, but not really challenging.  And then there is the little problem of me not liking change.  I am comfortable where I am at.  And I certainly don't want to rock the boat!

I have always wanted to get my Bachelor's Degree but felt like it was too late, or that I was too old, too tired, too scared, too overwhelmed, too (fill in the blank).  I had a lot of excuses... I still have a lot of excuses, but after weighing all of the pros and cons, I decided it was something I really wanted to accomplish after all.

So, even if I am unable to get a better paying job, I want to try this. Even if it is hard. Even if I fail. I want to try this. I am ready for a new challenge. A big step of faith for me.


  1. Janet,
    I started college as a 36-yr old freshman! I had no experience with the whole process and wasn't even sure I could "do" college, but I made it through and ended up graduating summa cum laude! You can do this! It is hard but it isn't impossible. If there's anything I can help you with, please let me know.

  2. Crit, thank you for your encouragement! That is so awesome that you graduated summa cum laude! Wow! What did you end up getting your degree in?

  3. I went in as undeclared. I really didn't know what I was doing or what to expect, all I knew was that I had a golden opportunity to go to college and I wanted to make the most of it. I took a variety of classes and worked on my gen eds and prayed a lot for God's direction. After several people said "you should major in communication" I took it as a sign and declared that as my major. I knew right away it was the right path for me, as that's where my natural abilities were. I loved studying how people communicate and how to be an effective communicator. Now I work for the same department I graduated from! It's all because of God's perfect plan :)
    Just go into in with the view that you are there on business. My driving force was to provide a better life for my family. I went in with no expectation but I made the most of it. Just go at it with zest--I used to pray "Lord, let me be a sponge and soak up everything they can teach me!" But also be open to asking for help. There are lots of student support organizations that exist to help you--they WANT to help you! Say "what help do you have to offer? I want all of it!"
    This is a fabulous opportunity for you-- go for it!
