Saturday, July 7, 2012

This has been an interesting summer on my little homestead.  First, we found the den of foxes in my back pasture. (Yes, they are still there and getting bigger day by day.) Then the gophers moved into my yard. (I am still working on trying to get rid of them before they get to my little garden!)  Tonight, two of my sons and I were sitting outside when all of a sudden, Josiah pointed and said raccoon!  Sure enough! There was a big raccoon under one of our trees.  It was watching us very intently and not moving.  Even though they are cute, I know they can be a problem.  Our elderly cat was outside, and I didn't want the raccoon attacking her so I walked over to scare it off.  It obviously did not want to leave, but finally disappeared into the tall grass.  As I was standing under our tree, a movement caught my eye, and I discovered a baby raccoon hiding in our tree!  As we got to looking, we discovered another baby higher up!  They were both very scared and trembling.  When we finally stepped back, the mamma quickly came out of the grass and called her babies.  Down the tree they scurried and followed her away!



  1. Ha!Ha! You sound like one of my kids! They may be cute but they can cause so much trouble.
