Thursday, August 2, 2012

Creation Concert 2012

We have always wanted to attend one of the Creation concerts, but it just never seemed to work out in previous years.  This year when my youngest son came home from college for the summer, he asked if I would want to go to Creation 2012 in Enumclaw, Washington with him.  He hardly ever asks me for anything, and to have the opportunity to go spend time with some of my children was to good to pass up on.  So off we went! 470 miles! One of his older brothers and sister decided to come, too! I was blessed beyond measure!

This was our first glimpse of Mount Rainer! It took my breath away.

 Camping was free!  There were hundreds and hundreds of campers.
 The mist was eerily beautiful
 I was so excited.
 Nick Vujicic was so inspirational! Very powerful!
 Tenth Avenue North! They were awesome!
 Switchfoot! Loved, loved them!

 We didn't even notice the rain!  My kids talked me into going up close, and once we got into the crowd, it was even warm! We all loved the concert and all of the performers we saw.  We only stayed one day, but it was so worth it. Will post more pictures of the rest of our trip later.!


  1. I have seen Tenth Avenue North and they were really cool! I'd really like to see Switchfoot. Looks like you all had a great time!!!

  2. Oh Johanna it was awesome. They both put on an amazing concert.
