Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Clinging to the rock

Have you ever struggled with depression or anxiety attacks? It takes everything you have to just maintain. Some days are harder than others.

Today is one of those days.  I know from experience that what I am feeling is not an accurate picture of who I am, but it is difficult to not give in to the feelings of sadness or feeling overwhelmed.  My mantra during these times is "just do the next thing."

My heart cries out to the one who knows me inside and out, and
He is faithful and true.
He is my ever present help in times of trouble.


  1. How are you doing???????
    Let me know ,

  2. Kristin,I so appreciate you asking how I am doing. I have been really struggling with health issues and family issues. It took all of my energy and focus for a long time. God is faithful though and I continue to trust that He is working all things for good.
